We are NOT suckers. We are NOT losers. We are proud to have served our country. Many of us have family members or ancestors of many generations who served in the military.
We now have a vile president who is calling veterans and active duty military suckers and losers. Active duty military are not allowed to speak politically. They are not allowed to speak against a president who is out of control destroying our country; dividing us against each other. It is up to us, veterans and family members, to speak up.
Let us do exactly that!
This is an invitation to contribute your thoughts and words to formulate a response to all America to rebuke Donald J. Trump. We are not speaking against the presidency. We are speaking against the vile person, TripleD, draft dodger Donald who does not deserve to be president and does not deserve reelection.
To contribute your writings, letters, essays, please establish contact with me via the contact form. I’ll send you an email to let you know my email address. You can also use comments, but be advised it might take me a while to publish the comment.
I’m retired and living a simple life within my means, so I’m not interested in money, so there is no funny business happening. Your contact info will not be published or sent out. I value my own privacy, and will value yours.
For America and our people!